Sunday, February 17, 2013



so.....yea, im back if your to idiotic to realize that by now. and you know exactly what that means. it means HE is coming  this so called "master" of theirs. i personally think its bullshit the skinny fuck needs to learn a lesson or two. so im here to help you one last time, i dont like it but i cant do anything about it. im kinda stuck here arnt i? so lets get this straight, i help only when nessicary, im here to keep you alive so i can stay alive. if you put us in danger im taking over and ima stay that way for as long as i want. this is the last time im talking to you but i will always be here.....S.A.M.

p.s. he will be here soon..... +.=

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

hey guys

Its been a WhILe and the bLog has gone dark, it did good while it was here But its now officially closEd. i know this BreAks whatever immersion was left, and i Can say i had fun while i was here i do want to point out some things if there are any questions however.
1. this goes against me the community and my purpose but its all faKe
2. i got some great feed back from you guys personally and we reached i belive upward of 800 total views so thats more than most people can say right?
3. thank you for coming out i love all of you and sleep well, dont be afraid of the dark because its your friend...


Thursday, November 1, 2012

HE cant have me, not now, not ever. the bastard tried it today, he tried to get me to wreck the car so i could "go away again for a while" but this time there was this tone in his voice. he wants me gone he even went so far as to knock me off the road. seriously? so im preparing for war u guys. dont be surprised if i dont come back. so my car is wrecked, radiators destroyed  frame bent, fan wrecked and engine shot. so much fun so im locked out here in the woods now with nothing but 3 weeks worth of food, a few guns, and other means of spiritual defense, but psychologically, im gone.

Friday, October 26, 2012


so yea i was right, and i wish i wasnt. but he needed me again, and this time it was serious  you see guys ive been watching the world burn with all this slender man bullshit as of late the game the movies and all that. and all its doing is leting him win, and soon nothing can stop him. he is sort of going to say ember from the t.v. show Danny phantom. the more you spread it, the more fear is induced and the stronger he gets. it is ridiculous how bad its gotten. he actually had to rest at one point due to a surge of fear. i wish i could forget what happened what happened while  was gone but its all there like it just happened. i was called about him by a mutual friend of my girlfriends. the guy thought he could help me with "him" as he put it. so i let him go on his way and let him feel like he was helping. well after a while HE got tired of this friend and told me to "invite him over, so he can experience my little problem" is how HE put it. so he comes over and i let HIM toy with the guy. well the guy freaks out and i warn him not to go outside under any circumstance guess what the guy sprints screaming from the house. needless to say he is gone now for good. so after that he tells me to go away for a while so i went to Cuba  really nice but other than that boring. i just woke up at home 3 days ago, and got the grid running again so were back in business. see you....real soon

Thursday, September 6, 2012

every fucking time

so i was arrested for a short perod, ive been out for a week but every time i try to hang out with my girlfriend she knows hes there, get freaked out then leaves. seriously?!?!?! wtf bro. why is he doing this. does he need me again? then whats he want, or whats his problem!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

disaster striking in: 3...2...1...


sorry this took a while but court was drawn out for a while, i was released due to circumstantial evidence. there was blood belonging to me at the scene but my alibi checked out, i was here with my girlfriend, who is awesome by the way. im feeling much better now, im happy, haven't had a headache, or even a cough in weeks. i laugh, and smile and it feels great. i was released from court and i was given a formal apology by the chief of police. things are finally going my way guys so ima go get a tan. because being locked inside for months kinda made me uber pale. oh btw that pic is me

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

well this is embarrassing, you see apparently i was recently arrested for a recent string of murders. do i even need to explain how the bodies were found? because at this point its obvious. but why would someone (im going to say its HIM) want me arrested, is he afriad im going to leave or something? idk guys but it confused the fuck out of me, i have court in the morning. i pray to god that im aquited or whatever, damn thank god i have a great lawyer