Wednesday, March 28, 2012


well apparently we hit 201 total views so ima do something special for you guys, now to figure out what to do, how about a spooky story. okay lets do that, lets set the mood first, where are you? at home in you bed? or at work, or maybe middle of the day at a friends house...well first turn down the lights, get nice and comfortable because this will probably be a terrible ghost story. okay so about four years ago i was young and stupid, just like i am now lol, but i digress i was young and stupid, willing to do anything to prove my toughness. so one day me, a couple of my friends and a few of their friends i had never met, were chilling at the mall, the mall was huge, about a mile in each direction. and it was located right next to the most amazing, immaculate forest you could ever hope to see. full of deer, and other woodland critters, and a fair share of spiders, ughhhh i hate spiders. so we were dicking around and we dare each other to go into the woods after dark. so naturally i show up, and my friends show up but their friends are gone. of course they wold try to prank me, i mean they were all jelious of me, i was the most badass mother-fucker in town. so we start to explore the woods and im using a mag light to see where im going (also a great club) and i hear some rustleing in the woods to my left and right, so i ignore it, knowing of my friends prank, next, okay these guys were sloppy as hell, i could see the footprints they had left, and i could see the green lenses on their night vison goggles. their pranks were bold face failures, the threw some fake blood on a tree, hung a fake heart from a tree, left some plastic bones on the ground, i scared my friends when i grabbed the heart and tried to bite it, the went white as the driven snow. so we kept going but then things got a little weird. as i was walking i kept seeing "things" because thats all i know to call them, out of the corners of my vision. and i know it wasnt them because my friendss seemed honestly dumb founded when i asked them. so we get to this clearing right, and they layed out this amazing trap, they had a fake trap set, and the other went off when i stepped around the fake, snatched me up into the air and they came out and we all had a good laugh, problem was they didnt want to cut me down, they left me, they left a knife on the  ground, but didnt help any other way, so i swing over to the tree and work my way to the knife and cut myself down. so i get down and begin to make my way back, but on the way i kept hearing these noises, like yells for help, and i could have sworn one call my name, it sounded like my friend, but i have no clue, they skipped town and i havent seen them sence. i think its because i would've killed them if i had seen them...

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