been losing hunks of time as of late. its starting to rack on my nerves, because i dont know if its HIM, or the librarian. still no idea what that saying could mean, any suggestions? probably not but whatever. and if it is the librarian i worry what i do in that time, nobody seems to notice the change so i have no clue. well talk to you later bros, bye.
oh and no offence for chicks, chicks can be bros to
these are the events that have led to how i am today, and how i am and im not surprised if you dont believe, but its true and i hope you enjoy yourself
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
the librarian
open the door to the mind and you will find me, i have been writing that and drawing this suconciously for the past month and didnt realize it untill i went thru my notes for alegebra, all i have to say is, DAFUK?
so mature
the prick sent out an emp, and fucked with the computers so we had to leave, they just got fixed, so i can just chill now. so i guess ima do the ad sence thing to get a bit of cash if thats how it works
hey guys
so im in school. bout to take a benchmark, for some damn reason. sooooooooooo just really board, and lonely. i need a girlfriend or something, it would make this way more barable, if even for a little while. he showed up this morning, and followed me for close to an hour, then dissapear, nope there he is again, i can see him out of the corner of my eye, just staning there with his arms open, im not going to him if thats what he wants, if i could hurt him i would throw a book or something, but whatever, see you guys soon...and here comes the splitting headache...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
well apparently we hit 201 total views so ima do something special for you guys, now to figure out what to do, how about a spooky story. okay lets do that, lets set the mood first, where are you? at home in you bed? or at work, or maybe middle of the day at a friends house...well first turn down the lights, get nice and comfortable because this will probably be a terrible ghost story. okay so about four years ago i was young and stupid, just like i am now lol, but i digress i was young and stupid, willing to do anything to prove my toughness. so one day me, a couple of my friends and a few of their friends i had never met, were chilling at the mall, the mall was huge, about a mile in each direction. and it was located right next to the most amazing, immaculate forest you could ever hope to see. full of deer, and other woodland critters, and a fair share of spiders, ughhhh i hate spiders. so we were dicking around and we dare each other to go into the woods after dark. so naturally i show up, and my friends show up but their friends are gone. of course they wold try to prank me, i mean they were all jelious of me, i was the most badass mother-fucker in town. so we start to explore the woods and im using a mag light to see where im going (also a great club) and i hear some rustleing in the woods to my left and right, so i ignore it, knowing of my friends prank, next, okay these guys were sloppy as hell, i could see the footprints they had left, and i could see the green lenses on their night vison goggles. their pranks were bold face failures, the threw some fake blood on a tree, hung a fake heart from a tree, left some plastic bones on the ground, i scared my friends when i grabbed the heart and tried to bite it, the went white as the driven snow. so we kept going but then things got a little weird. as i was walking i kept seeing "things" because thats all i know to call them, out of the corners of my vision. and i know it wasnt them because my friendss seemed honestly dumb founded when i asked them. so we get to this clearing right, and they layed out this amazing trap, they had a fake trap set, and the other went off when i stepped around the fake, snatched me up into the air and they came out and we all had a good laugh, problem was they didnt want to cut me down, they left me, they left a knife on the ground, but didnt help any other way, so i swing over to the tree and work my way to the knife and cut myself down. so i get down and begin to make my way back, but on the way i kept hearing these noises, like yells for help, and i could have sworn one call my name, it sounded like my friend, but i have no clue, they skipped town and i havent seen them sence. i think its because i would've killed them if i had seen them...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
no comment, i guess. i have nothing to say today really. just board and tired, feel like i just ran a triathlon then got hit by a truck so i have no clue. is that associated with him, feeling generally like shit?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
damn, thats crazy
almost 200 guys. i didnt think anyone was interested, i have calmed down. they put his spoiled ass to bed and i havent seen HIM all day, although i do keep fading in and out of consciousness at random. just sitting there on the couch watching re-runs, and it skips forward in the episode but nothing else changes, and nobody seems to notice. idk, mini blackouts i guess
my god...
i am going to kill that little kid, he will not shut up, he is just yelling for no reason, i can hear it over my music. i am about tio throw his annoying ass down the fucking stairs, he is so damn annoying, i wqish thaty he would take him FUCK. sorry running on no sleep, no energy and he wont shut his damn mouth. and now there are dogs barking up a storm. damnit i cant thinks strait, im sorry ima go bye
Saturday, March 24, 2012
so far
so far in the day i went to the beach, of course they came with me. so at the beach i was relaxing, and they were in the water with their mom. but at the beach guess what.... if you guessed that the flying spaghetti monster showed up then your wrong. HE showed up, plain as day. well no panic save a few un-lucky sods who ran screaming for the hills. but he looked at me, then at them and there was this strange feeling i got in my stomach like "oh shit, really?" and then he was gone. a few of the people who saw him, came back to see him gone and thought nothing of it, but there was one person who was laughing uncontrollably, he was a few feet away so i thought i would ask how he was, but he wouldn't give me the time of day, well i checked my car for "bugs" and made sure i wasn't followed so now im back telling you guys, i think that he wants me to suffer and i know that he can make me suffer, i just hope nothing to drastic happens. at one point i thought my cousin saw him because i turned around at the pizza shop we went to to see him standing there, but my cousin was just pointing at the TV.
morning all, i dont know if i told you this but my aunt and her two children are here and they are like 2 and 1 years old, im about to kill them if they dont leave me alone. but i cant let HIM get them oh this will be a fun week....
Friday, March 23, 2012
while i was gone my views reached 115, thank you guys, even if your a sadistic ass who wants to watch as i go mad, thanks for stopping by
so i was asked
this is how i believe i came into contact with HIM...i dont know to be honest, i have been researching the creature ever since ive seen him. from what i know of HIM, and my family history i believe that my family has been in contact with it for generation, the most recent being my great grandfather, and his twin brother. they suffered from blackouts and "bad allergies" my grandmother told my they both had the worst cough, but never smoked. my grandfather durring a blackout killed his wife and died in prison, he also had an operator symbol if thats what you call it. his brother went crazy and tore his skin off. on his arm of course but still weird, always ranting about a "tall man", obvious connection. My family as i said had lived in Germany near the dark forest where he is said to live so i guess that is when it all started, i dont remember much of the time i lived there, my parents say that is because i gained a head injury in the woods one day. i still have the scar...but to a lesser extent i could just be jumping to conclusions here. on the bright side i havent seen him in a few days, even tho i know that he will be back and it will be worse. im becoming slow and sleep deprved, my eyes are developing black circles, and i fear that the librarian will do something while i sleep that i will regret... and i know that HE feasts on fear so its only making him stronger. thats why i just tried to brush him off at first, and that cat thing is true, it still makes me smile that my cat confused HIM. okay see you guys soon i hope
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
should i?
should i even keep this up, keep writing a blog that nobody cares about?, or even believes? why would they, maybe they just came for a story, or maybe they thought i was an idiot, or maybe you came to see the decent of a man into madness because he cant leave because his family and his age, if its any of these you can let me know or keep it secret. idk, idc. but i will let you know that something has surfaced in my mind, and i have began to call him "the librarian" due to his lust for knowledge. i thought I've just been sleepy for no reason till i filmed myself at night, what i saw was crazy. i got out of bed snuck over to my closet and pulled out books and began to read violently, if that makes any sense...idk if i do i will stay, if not you wont hear from me for a while or even ever again...
Monday, March 19, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
hmm..what now?
so what now? HE never stays long anymore, the first day he was here for hours, now i see him by the window then he leaves, at the end of the hallway, then is gone, in my shower then gone....dose he need a bath or something? i guess that murder would leave you quite bloody. idk ima take a shower see if HE joins me
oh thats amazing, my cats can see him, he is staring my cat down and my cat looks like its about to claw his face. if only my family could see this, he is standing right next to my dad staring at my cat, and i cant say anything lest they think im crazy. should i offer him a drink? or just get my knife and jump at him, he is just staring down my cat, maybe it confuses him because it look like he has a suit on. and my other two cats are watching him, ROFLMAO he just ran off, well teleported because my cat pawed at him. that is amazing
well i got no sleep
so i got no sleep last night, kept hearing noises and what sounded like some weird wailing or idk. so i got on my laptop and decided to check my email to find that my friend had sent me an email. he said he had met this nice German girl and they went out to dinner. they started talking and he told her about how crazy he thinks i am, he read this and its no surprise he doubts me, but im fine with it. she said she had met me at the doctors office before, and he said seemed relived to find i was still okay, that was until he told her about the blackouts, and other symptoms, and then he says she got snow white and freaked out yelling at him that i need to "Run for my damned life!" idk, i wish i could run but i cant, middle of school, no extra money to support me, and a car that would probably kill over if i drove it for more than 50 miles at a time. so i just want to say that if i disappear or stop writing for more than 3 days then he has probably come for me, and succeeded in catching me...i wish there were people to say bye to, or people that cared enough to help but whatever i will stay here as long as i can, then i will go meet my fate, weather it be in an asylum, at the heads mans axe, or by HIM...see you later hopefully
Friday, March 16, 2012
unexpected piece
okay so...i think there may be something wrong with me...idk but its weird, every time i start to read, or reaserch then i just get pulled in like i cant stop myself and i seem to lose track of time, i just realized that i just read war and peace in like 30 minutes and i remeber it all.but it happened in the blink of an eye like really i closed my eyes and when i opened them 30 minutes gone and the book done. now my teacher think im cheating. no that didnt JUST happen but i remeberd it because i was about to pick up divine comedy and didn't want to. i know whats wrong with divine comedy? nothing but i want to be conciose for it. i just cant stop gathering knowledge and its kinda freaking everyone around me out. lol who cares knowledge is power right? yea screw what i just said people dont matter only KNOWLEDGE!!!!
middle of the day post
lol, yea i came to the library today to brush up on my history see if i cant make any conections to HIM in the past. who knows how old he is? but yea im a the public library and i found this really cool knife taped under the table. weird but it is a nice knife
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
theories again
okay so these are MY THEORIES, IF IM BEING CENSORED BY A PROXY IMA BE MAD. if the site is doing it i can prove it by showing them my youtube. okay so my theories on THE DR.'s video is first of all the numbers correspond with the end of the Mayan calender (AKA: the end of the world as we know it) that is just freaky in itself. so either they ran out of space or he is telling the truth. i believe that 1. The tall skinny man is just the beginning. 2 that is when HE and all of everyone who is involved with him leave the earth and go to where ever he came from, AKA: a rapture. or 3. someone or something rises up and beats the tall skinny MAN that is SLENDER. 4. HE gains enough power to take over, or lastly, i have no clue anything can happen. and the history of the guy is just to wide spread to put together a past, because a certain Mayan deity looks remarkably similar, and even hieroglyphs of him in Egypt idk guy, heck it could be a total shift in space time for all i know...leave a comment or message if you want to tell your theories, or want me to go into more detail
im so happy!!!
my god today was good, it was like 80 degrees outside so i got to relax and chill in the shade. lol i am passing all of my classes, B honor roll bitches. nothing to bag about but nothing to complain about. and my book finally came in, i ordered house of leaves and even the first few pages it is amazing. so im happy, the knowledge has seemed to fade from my mind like a high so im back to normal until i meet him again. but until then i will be waiting, and watching. observing him for a change let him come it would please me
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
if you dont get the title you may soon, because i just saw into the abyss and stared into it no matter what my bod told me to do, no matter how fast my heart was beating, no matter the risk, i saw death and i watched him watch me and i was granted an understanding beyond belief, it all makes sense now even though i could never put it into words, in fact i am surprised i am able to think a coherenct sentence let alone type one. so if im gone for a few days dont be worried my at the moment 32 viewers if you even care, i will be spending my time exersizing all aspects of my body mind and spirit
Monday, March 12, 2012
the fuck just happened
okay so i just went to get a sandwich from downstairs when someone pushed me down the stairs...and im home alone. the fuck?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
okay...that was weird
so im back now. ive been back for about an hour now but the police just left. the problem was that apparently i was seen trespassing on gov't property. and the footage of me there shows some really weird shit. when i got there i stood dead still in frame for about 30 min before a bunch of visual and audio distortion happened all that they were able to recover was the sound, which sounded like something you would hear off of silent hill. it was an audible laugh the hole time but throughout it 3 gunshots were heard along with what sounded like something being dragged through gravel. they were checking to see if i was still alive...well im alive and kicking with no bullet wounds so thats good. so the reason it took so long is someone broke into my house while i was gone, thank god nothing is missing or broken but stuff was everywhere, and my door was ajar and there was a window with a screen kicked out. idk, oh and i checked the stats and saw that my audiance includes people from Russia!!! I love Russia! okay well i want to get some sleep but im going with my gut and staying up all night. i feel like im being watched...
what the hell did i do?
my god what the hell did i do yesterday? i just had some cops show up at my house, i didnt answer the door. i just ran and hid under my bed for an hour. i wonder what they wanted they will probably be back any time, damn and they will probably have a warrent to. fuck i dont know what the hell im going to do, did I kill someone? my god........should i leave, run for my life? or should i stay at home? i think they are still out there, there is a big van parked at the corner, i guess im just going to go outside and wait for them to come, okay thats what im going to do. im going to pretend like i was asleep, just get dressed like i was in bed and go outside to check the mail, they will see me and come over to the house if the knock on the door i will answer....okay see you guys soon i guess
well thats cool i guess
so i just learned that you can see how many people have viewed ur blog and what country they're in, what browser they were using, and even if it was a mac or pc. thats crazy
i am fucking freaked the hell out guys, so i have been up all night trying to find out where i was. i was in the town next to mine so lets say about 35 miles away from my house and i just got back what the hell happened to me in that time period? i am scared guy....really fucking scard
Friday, March 9, 2012
okay so i was told not to call him that but whatever. im not going to lie or work it around. i told my friend about this he told me to look HIM up. so i did and i have to say, really freaky shit and it dose bare a resemblance but only slightly. idk so if anyone finds this blog because i posted the link on that sight that would be cool. bye for now. nothing happened today except i was really happy then for no reason suicidaly depressed idk
Thursday, March 8, 2012
what the hell?
so today was weird, and i mean REALLY weird. so i got up this morning i woke up on the couch, i am pretty sure that i went to bed in my bed. whatever. so then when i got up i tried to make coffee but my coffee pot was messing up, along with my microwave, oven, toaster, and convection oven. so didn't eat breakfast. so then my car wont start, well i got it to work. so when i got to school everyone was avoiding me. half the time it was like i wasnt even there, the other half people looked at me like i was covered in blood and eating an arm. idk even my girlfriend was avoiding me :/. oh and not to sound like a wuss, but i was so put off by this it turned into paranoia and well...i got scared by my shadow. it looked like this really tall imposing figure, like the tall man from my dreams. the one thing that gets me is why was my shadow that big in the middle of the day. i mean yea im 6 ft 3 in but it was like 7-8 ft. okay well ima go bye
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
i feel good guys :)
so today i met the most amazing girl. she is smart funny and really pretty so i asked her out and she said yea. so that's one problem down. OH and i remembered what i was going to say that one day. i learned that i lived in Germany when i was a young kid, from when i was like 1 to 4 years old. my dad said we lived on the outskirts of Altensteig or something. he said that i would always go running through the forest and when i got back home i would have stores of epic adventures and meeting giant men who could teleport, lol i still have a very avid imagination but nothing like that. well ima go guys and gals. ttyl
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
better, i guess
as the title says, i feel a bit better, the headache is gone but it comes and goes, along with the cough. i still feel like i am being watched. dang i had a bunch of stuff i was going to say but some prick made me lose my train of thought, dang. well whatever lets make up some stuff. okay lets talk about.......carrots, yea carrots! you dont like carrots? well okay what about apples? there good right? nice and juicy like a big steak right? how do you like your steak, i love steak cooked medium rare wrapped in bacon mmmmmm....speaking of bacon i've been watching epic meal time and it is good if you like to watch guys swear, bake, drink, and obliterate food. lol well ima go i guess bye
Monday, March 5, 2012
okay, im back
so i just go back from the doctors and he didnt know what was wrong with me, he said he would consult his books and he told me to come home and relax. so thats what im trying to do. im listening to AWOLNATION and chilling. kinda feel like im being watched. idk that was weird, my door just opened hmmmm. idk damn it seems to quiet today i need to go jogging or something. okay well dinner is done ima go bye
other blog
so im going to use this blog also for the strange stuff that has been happening to me lately. in short im coughing up my lungs, horrible headaches, and i just blacked out for several hours. for more info go to but im using this one from now on.
Friday, March 2, 2012
hey guys
well i hope you may have enjoyed those, it was for a project in English. but now im going to use this site in conjunction with my other to see if i cant compile some good info:
things discussed will be:
the mind
folk lore
that sort of stuff
so i will see you guys in a bit bye
things discussed will be:
the mind
folk lore
that sort of stuff
so i will see you guys in a bit bye
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